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[세공모] 2023 수능특강 2강 3번 지문


🍀🍀 수능 특강 2강 3번 지문내용 🍀🍀


다음 글의 분위기로 가장 적절한 것은?

It was morning as I stepped out into the fresh air onto the porch, yawning sleepily. The smell of fresh dew filled my nose as well as another scent, similar to vanilla yet much more sweet, which came from the grass. Water dripped from the leaves above, falling on my head and refreshing my body and senses. I took a deep breath and started down the stairway. Getting to the bottom I stepped lightly on the moist grass. It seemed that there had been a small rain shower, and the dim light and the water made the forest sparkle like it was covered with small crystals that twinkled in the morning light. Silence all around and the sheer beauty made my heart and mind fly. I sat on the grass by the lake, watching the water and the fish, just letting myself slip away.



        📜 분석 📜





 📜. 해석. 📜

아침이 되자, 나는 졸려서 하품을 하며 상쾌한 공기 속으 로 나와 현관에 들어섰다. 싱그러운 이슬의 냄새와 아울러 풀밭에 서 나는, 바닐라와 비슷하면서도 훨씬 더 달콤한 또 다른 향기가 내 코를 가득 채웠다. 위쪽 나뭇잎에서 물방울이 흘러 내 머리로 떨어져서 내 몸과 감각에 활기를 주었다. 나는 심호흡을 하고 계 단을 내려가기 시작했다. 나는 (계단) 맨 아래로 내려가서 촉촉한 풀밭 위로 사뿐히 올라섰다. 소나기가 조금 내렸던 것 같았고, 흐 릿한 빛과 물기가, 숲이 아침 햇살에 반짝이는 작은 수정들로 뒤 덮인 것처럼 반짝이게 했다. 사방의 정적과 순전한 아름다움이 내 마음과 생각을 들뜨게 했다. 나는 호숫가의 풀밭에 앉아 물과 물 고기를 바라보며 그저 넋을 잃고 있었다.
