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2021년 수능특강영어 4강 8번지문 노트필기 분석과 해석


▣ 수능특강 영어 4강 8번 지문 시작합니다. 

    문의 사항은 댓글로 남겨 주세요


영어 학습의 시작은 늘 어휘 부터  
head-on 정면으로
promotion 승진
improve 향샹시키다, 개선하다
remedy 치료법
prescribe 처방하다
severe 심각한
beneficial 이득이 되는
accordingly 그에 맞추어
squarely 정면으로
positive 긍정적인
process 과정
select 선택하다
get ... under control ...를 제어 하다, 통제하다
intelligently 현명하게, 똑똑하게
encounter 마주치다
examine 검토하다
deal with 다루다, 처리하다

♣본문 내용

Facing your difficulty head-on is the first positive step in the process of fixing it. Your promotion went to someone else ― now what?  Face it directly. There must be a reason why your boss selected the other person. Get your hurt and anger under control and go find out why you didn't get the promotion. Ask your boss what you need to do to improve yourself so you'll be considered more seriously next time. If you have just learned that you have a health problem, face it squarely and intelligently. What is the best treatment? Ask the top specialists for their advice. Follow the remedies they prescribe. If some project you are working hard to finish on time encounters severe problems, examine the difficulty as a scientist would. What caused the problem? What are the options? Try to discover the best ways of dealing with the realities you face, focus on what will be most beneficial, then act accordingly.  



◈지문 분석 

2021년 수능특강 영어 4강8번지문 노트 필기


▩ 본문 해석

Facing your difficulty head-on 당신의 어려움을 정면으로 맞서는 것이 is the first positive step 첫 번째 긍정적인 발걸음이다 in the process of fixing it. 그 어려움을 고치는 과정에서

Your promotion went to someone else 당신의 승진이 다른 사람에게 갔다 ― now what?  이제 어떻게 할 것인가?

Face it directly. 직접 맞서라

 There must be a reason 이유가 있을 것이다 why your boss selected the other person. 당신의 상사가 다른 사람을 선택한 이유

Get your hurt and anger under control 당신의 상처와 분노를 조절하고  and go find out 가서 알아 봐라 why you didn't get the promotion. 왜 당신이 승진을 하지 못했는지.

Ask your boss 당신의 상사에게 물어 보아라 what you need to do 당신이 무엇을 할 필요가 있는지 to improve yourself 당신 자신을 향상하기 위해서 so you'll be considered more seriously next time. 그러면 당신은 다음번에 더 진지하게 고려될 것이다.
If you have just learned 만약에 당신이 알았다면  that you have a health problem, 건강상 문제가 있다는 것을 face it squarely and intelligently. 정면으로 그리고 슬기롭게 맞서라

What is the best treatment? 무엇이 가장 좋은 치료법인가?

Ask the top specialists for their advice. 최고의 전문가에게 조언을 구하라
Follow the remedies they prescribe. 그들이 처방하는 치료법을 따라라
If some project you are working hard to finish on time 만일 당신이 제때에 끝내기 위해서 열심히 노력하는 프로젝트가 encounters severe problems, 심각한 문제에 마주한다면 examine the difficulty as a scientist would. 그 어려움을 과학자가 하듯이 검토하라

What caused the problem? 그 문제의 원인이 무엇인가?

What are the options? 선택 사항은 어떤것인가?

Try to discover the best ways 최고의 방법을 찾아 내려 노력해라 of dealing with the realities you face,  당신이 직면한 현실에 대처할
focus on what will be most beneficial, 가장 이득이 될 수 있는 것에 집중하라 then act accordingly.  그리고 그에 따라 행동해라.


▣ 주요 문장 및 문맥을 이루는 말


    Facing your difficulty head-on is the first positive step in the process of fixing it.


문맥  (1) head-on = directly = squarely
